by bunter | Apr 28, 2018 | bomber command, Royal Air Force warrant and commissioned officers, the RAF, WANTED BATTLE OF BRITAIN, War Medals, War Relics Purchased, War Souvenirs, We started off as collectors in our youth and are still intrigued by the history behind each item, WW2 Pilots Helmet, WW2 RAF Valuations, XVth and 37th Lancers
The Distinguished Flying Cross (D.F.C.) Is A Favourite With Us Here At WW2 . The D.F.C. award was first instituted on 3 June 1918 immediately following the formation of the RAF. It was originally awarded to Royal Air Force warrant and commissioned...
by bunter | Jun 23, 2017 | 8x60 binoculars, Arundel Militaria Market, Aviation Art, Battle of britain oxygen mask, Battle of Britain oxygen masks, Binoculars, Black Grip Navy Dagger, catterpiller club badges, collecting militaria, Crete Cuffband, crimes of the Nazi regime, Free Valuation of Government Offical Daggers, Free Valuation of Heer Army Daggers, Free Valuation Of Militaria, Free Valuation of Postal Protection Leader Daggers, German Heer (army) helmets, German Helmet, German Helmet Experts, German Helmet Specialists, German Luftwaffe (air force), German Medal Experts, Goodwood Revival, google militaria tour, gosport tube, Government Officials Daggers, Herbert Taylor genius behind Depth charges, Hunting Cutlass #1711, I Will Never Sell Militaria At Auction Again, Imperial, War Relics Purchased
War Relics Purchased . We Pay By “Paypal” Or C.O.D. Our Offers/Valuations Are Given At No Cost. We Cover Shipping And Provide Advice On Every Stage...
by bunter | Jun 25, 2012 | Dealers in war memorabilia, Sell Military Collections, twitter militaria, U-Boat binoculars, U.K. Militaria shop, U.K. Militaria Sussex, Uncategorized, Valuation of Flying Helmets., Valuation of medals, Valuation Of Nazi Militaria?, Valuation of NPEA Daggers, Valuation of SA Daggers, Valuation of SS Daggers, Valuation of WW2 Flying Helmets, WAFFEN-LOESCHE, WANTED BATTLE OF BRITAIN, War Medals, war memorabilia auctions, War Relics Purchased, War Souvenirs, Watches, watches ww2, Who Pays The Best Prices For Militaria?, Wound Badge, Wound Badge of 20 July 1944, WW2 Aviation Dealers, WW2 numbered ss dagger cross guard Nazi Himmler, WW2 Pilots Helmet, ww2 radios, WW2 RAF Valuations, WW2 Steel helmet prices,, XVth and 37th Lancers
Dealers in war memorabilia German Sword Buyer All Major International Militaria Auction House Valuations Paid Directly To You In Full. Contact The Trade In Nazi Artefacts . The high values of Third Reich period “Miltaria”...