British Medals Specialists

British Medals Specialists

Medal ribbon , Medal Afrika star, Medals 25 Years Faithfull Service. Medal , Second Battalion West Yorks , Medal Africa Star, Medal British Civil Defence, Medal China 1857-1860 , Medal CQM Royal Engineers . Medal Deutschland -Itelen . Medal football Royal Signals .,...

Do you have a WWII German Badges or other genuine war souvenirs for sale?

Do you have a WWII German Badges or other genuine war souvenirs for sale? Do you have a WWII German Badge or Medal   Are you interest in learning what you have and just what dedicated professionals are willing to pay you for it?.   Are you wishing to achieve a fair,...

Will Auctioneers Take Nazi Items For Sale?

Ban On Nazi Items In U.K. Auction Houses.    Toovy’s  A Sussex Based Auctioneers Have Decided That Selling WW2 German Militaria Is In Conflict With Their Directors Theological  Position . Yes It Seems To Have Been decided That Profiting From The Nazis Is...

Sell Swords

Welcome ! Let me start by inviting those of you with  antique or WW2 swords to contact us for a free valuation/offer . We are a dedicated ,responsible. store based militaria business .Legion Condor, Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, WW II general decorations, Decorations...

medal auctioneers Sussex

SELLING MEDALS AND MILITARIA AT AUCTION? You have found an excellent place to identify, value and sell your medals by visiting our famous “antiques & militaria high street store”     Use our service to request a medal valuation directly from us… WW2

Dealers in WW2 Militaria

Buying medals and militaria directly from you online since 2001. David Mattey of WW2 Buyer has specialised in vintage military firearms (deactivated and antique), uniforms, equipment, medals, badges, bayonets, swords and books for 40 years.  ...
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