77 squadron RAF Caterpiller log book group

   Welcome to WW2Buyer.com David Mattey of WW2Buyer.com  is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria. David who has worked from his high street premises for the last twenty years acts as...

Militaria Instant payment in full! WW2 Buyer Is a Primary Web site For Sourcing Museum Worthy Militaria Exhibits . Our High Street Location which is now an established hub of Militaria trading “Militaria Instant payment in full”! Is our slogan however for those wishing to achieve close to retail prices we offer a selling on consignment service . The Best Way To Sell Nazi Items The High Street store Was Occupied In 2011 with our warehouse being retained behind the store . Militaria Instant payment in full! We began to recognise the importance of having a Militaria museum store as a focal point for both preserving military heritage and as an educational resource and meeting place for collectors. nazi dagger Militaria Instant payment in full! After deciding to create a museum store David Mattey learned that to fund his dream and to create sufficient income that the store would have to offer more than just buttons and badges.

WW2 Buyer Is a Primary Web site For Sourcing Museum Worthy  Militaria Exhibits . Our High Street Location which is now an established hub of Militaria  trading “Militaria Instant payment in full”! Is our slogan however for those wishing to achieve close to...

Herbert Taylor genius behind Depth charges

From their Conception during WW1 depth charges  evolved to become the fundamental weapon of anti-submarine warfare during the Second World War. The Museum of Royal Naval Firepower announced that an archive of papers and letters revealing the man responsible for...

War Antiques

WAR ANTIQUES The obsession with the second world war continues whilst the last of the surviving combatants pass away. Pilots log book The shear enormity of the conflict combined with our parent’s and grandparent’s anecdotes fuel our fascination. Japanese...

Selling a Militaria Collection. INFORMATION , Might it be worth getting in touch with a dedicated specialist like WW2 Buyer.com ?. WW2 buyer have a prime high street retail store in a historic location .You can achieve phenomenal prices for really high quality items, We also buy quantities of lower value Buttons.Patches,Etc . Sellers retain absolute control over the prices you accept and achieve .Famously we charge a little more so we can pay you a little more !. All purchases are strictly cash and confidential

For the  cyber savvy person There’s obviously e-bay to consider when selling a Caterpillar club badge or indeed a sizeable militaria collection but you need to think about various things; ww2 Third Reich Stuff And Weapons Are Banned !:                          ...
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