Gallantry Medals Below The Victoria Cross
The DCM The oldest British award for gallantry and second only to the Victoria Cross, the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) was awarded to enlisted personnel, non-commissioned officers and warrant officers of any nation, in any branch of the service, for distinguished conduct in battle.
Instigated by the British as a means of recognizing acts of gallantry performed by ‘other ranks’ (i.e. non-commissioned officers) during the Crimean War (from 4 December 1854), the Distinguished Conduct Medal was regarded as second only to the Victoria Cross in prestige.
The Queen’s Gallantry Medal can be awarded to civilians or military personnel. It was instituted in 1974. It is awarded “for exemplary acts of bravery.” 1 Former pupil has been awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal.
The D.F.C was instituted on 3 June 1918 for officers and warrant officers of the Air Forces for “an act of valour, courage, or devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations against the enemy”. The DFC was open to those pilots who had scored eight or more aerial victories. 4,018 were awarded during WW2, plus 214 first and 5 second bars.
The Distinguished Flying Medal (D.F.M.), established on 3 June 1918, the same day as the D.F.C., was awarded to non-commissioned officers and men of the RAF in exactly the same circumstances as the Distinguished Flying Cross (D.F.C.) was awarded to officers.
The Military Cross is an Army decoration. No person is eligible to receive it unless he is a commissioned officer up to the rank of captain, or a warrant officer. The MC can be awarded to warrant officers and commissioned officers of the RAF for gallant service in action on the ground.

Specialising in Medals awarded to 1st King’s Dragoon Guards cap badge value/price
Founded in March 1916, the Military Medal is awarded to non-commissioned officers and men of the Army “for individual and associated acts of bravery brought to notice by the recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief in the field”. Although primarily intended for N.C.O.s and men, it can be awarded to Warrant Officers (1st and 2nd Class) and to RAF personnel for gallant service on the ground
denoting a Mention in Despatches in WW1, is worn on the ribbon of the Victory Medal.
Welcome to Medal Buyers Arundel
David Mattey of Medal Buyers Arundel is a conscientious dealer with over 30 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria.
David who has worked from his high street premises for the last twenty years acts as buyer to city investment groups ,Advanced collectors and the premier specialist websites.
David believes that investors are happy to pay a premium for expertise, research and unconditionally guaranteed exhibits.
Medal buyers Arundel are engaged in the purchase of Campaign Medals, Awards, Orders, Decorations , Service Medals and associated “Militaria.
If you believe you have already obtained a fair offer David welcomes the opportunity of offering a confidential second opinion.
Call or e-mail today for free advice and valuations. please feel free to use the contact form provided.
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Before consigning medals for sale by auction please be aware that 35%-44% of the total paid by the buyer will be lost to the auctioneer. If you have obtained suggested reserve figures from auctioneers Medalbuyers,com will pay 100% of these immediately.
Contact: David Mattey
Tel: 01903-884602 Mobile 07860747027
or e-mail:davidmatteybuyer
Medals Of The Royal Air Force.
The Air Force Medal was (until 1993) a military decoration awarded to personnel of the R.A.F and other services and formerly also to personnel of other commonwealth countries, below officer rank, for “an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations against the enemy”.
The medal was instituted on 3 June 1918. It was the other ranks equivalent to the Air force cross which was awarded to commissioned officers and warrant officers (although WOs could also be awarded the AFM), but ranked below it in order of precedence, between the D.F.M and the Q.G.M.
The AFM was awarded 259 times during WW2.
Recipients of the Air Force Medal are entitled to use the post nominals“AFM”.
In 1993, the AFM was discontinued, and since then the Air Force Cross has been awarded to personnel of all ranks.
oval, silver medal, 1.375 inches wide and 1.625 inches long. The obverse shows a bareheaded effigy of the reigning sovereign.
The reverse shows Hermes (facing right) is shown, mounted on a hawk in flight and bestowing a wreath, all contained within a laurel wreath. The date 1918 appears behind Hermes on the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II medals.
A bomb is attached to the clasp and ribbon by two wings.
The ribbon is 1.25 inches wide, and consists of alternate red
and white stripes (1/16″ wide) leaning 45 degrees to the left. A red stripe is to appear in the bottom left and upper right corners when viewed on the wearer’s chest. Until 1919, the stripes were horizontal.