To Achieve The Best Market Value Immediately

The Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M)
We buy and sell “For Distinguished Conduct in The Field medals” offering and paying better researched Market Values.
Our offers/free valuations for yourFor Distinguished Conduct in The Field medals are provided without obligation or expectation so there is no commitment to sell.
Historic awards and associated artefacts are acquired for our loyal clientèle.
We offer complete client confidentiality and discretion.For Distinguished Conduct in The Field medals.
Collections or single examples of For Distinguished Conduct in The Field acquired.

We recognise that dealing with valuable historic militaria such as medals
“For Distinguished Conduct in The Field “
can be a sensitive matter especially when these are family pieces.

We offer the expertise of militaria and medal specialist David Mattey.
We are able to provide a better outcome for sellers by researching recorded prices and making appropriate offers for their
“For Distinguished Conduct in The Field” medals.

We frequently buy for long-term investment portfolios.The purchase price is less critical for us for this reason.We can pay the best price on the market as we are formulating major collections .
We have specialist knowledge of your D.C.M.s from both World Wars .

Whether you are looking to sell a single item or an entire collection, we are always interested in buying your “Bravery awards .
We offer a simple commission free way of selling your family militaria
at the correct researched market value.
Contact us via our online form and we will get back in touch as soon as possible.Our clients are offered confidentiality and complete discretion, we strive to make the selling process as fast and easy as possible for our clients.
David Mattey Has Forty Years Experience From Collector To Dealer I work with hundreds of collectors and investors worldwide, ensuring that you get the best price available on the market today.We deal in all kinds of awards, decorations,and militaria items.The purchase of distinguished conduct medals is direct from you at the full agreed price.There is no hidden commission and you will receive the agreed sum immediately.I cover “Paypal” fees and insured postage costs.

If you have received offers from an other bidder or been given an auction estimate, you may wish to include these when you contact us .We will pay you this amount in full directly. Our prices when selling military medals are higher than average yet still competitive. we study the market.Come to us with your For Distinguished Conduct in The Fieldand militaria and we deliver the best outcome for you.

Arundel,s Militaria
Learn More About The Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) And It’s History
The DCM was (until 1993) an extremely high level award for bravery. It was a second level military decoration awarded to other ranks of the British formerly also to non-commissioned personnel of other Commonwealth countries.

A Distinguished Conduct The in the Field medal was first instituted in 1854, during the Crimea war to recognise gallantry within the other ranks, for which it was equivalent of the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) awarded for bravery to commissioned officers, but the DCM ranked well below the DSO in precedence.
From 1942, members of the Navy and Air Force were entitled to the award.
In the aftermath of the 1993 review of the honours system, as part of the drive to remove distinctions of rank in awards for bravery, the DCM was discontinued (along with the award of the DSO specifically for gallantry and of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. These three decorations were replaced by the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, which now serves as the second level award for gallantry for all ranks across the whole armed forces.
Bars were awarded to the DCM in recognition of the performance of further acts of gallantry meriting the award. Recipients are entitled to the post nominal letters DCM.
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or email davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com
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