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David Mattey of WW2Buyer.com
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WW2Buyer.com are engaged in the purchase of Allied And Axis Uniforms ,Daggers,Medals, Awards, Orders, Decorations and associated “Militaria.

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Contact: David Mattey
Tel: 01903-884602 Mobile 07860747027
or e-mail:davidmatteybuyer @gmail.com
The 1907 pattern bayonet first active saw service at the start of the First world war or the Great War as it was known at the time .

The Pattern 1907 bayonet was developed for British Army use after the introduction of the Short, Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle.

It was decided to introduce a long ‘sword’ bayonet, as the existing Pattern 1888 and 1903 bayonets were not considered to offer sufficient ‘reach’ in combination with the new ‘short’ rifle.

Experiments were made with bayonets based on Japanese, US and French models, with the former eventually being selected. Initially the Pattern 1907 featured a hooked quillon, but this was removed from October 1913.

The Pattern 1907 remained in front-line service until 1945 (even later in the hands of Australian and Indian forces). The only further changes made in its manufacture was the addition of a cleaning hole in the pommel from 1916 onwards and shaped frog stud replacing the original round domed button style.

WW1 Bayonet prices have remained steady in the case of the WW1 Bayonet prices .