I would like my militaria collection to go to a good home.
Welcome to WW2Buyer.com
David Mattey of WW2Buyer.com
is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria.
David who has worked from his high street premises for the last twenty years acts as buyer to city investment groups ,Advanced collectors and the premier specialist websites.
David believes that investors are happy to pay a premium for expertise, research and unconditionally guaranteed exhibits.
WW2Buyer.com are engaged in the purchase of Allied And Axis Uniforms ,Daggers,Medals, Awards, Orders, Decorations and associated “Militaria.
If you believe you have already obtained a fair offer David welcomes the opportunity of offering a confidential second opinion.
Call or e-mail davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com today for free advice and valuations. please feel free to use the contact form provided.
Our offers and valuations both free of charge and confidential.
If you have by your own research, established an asking price or obtained bids from other parties.
Please include offers in your communications.
WW2Buyer.com are not in the business of haggling if we can see modest margin we will advance payment today.
Before consigning militaria for sale by auction please be aware that 35%-44% of the total paid by the buyer will be lost to the auctioneer. If you have obtained suggested reserve figures from auctioneers
WW2Buyer.comwill pay 100% of these immediately.
Contact: David Mattey
Tel: 01903-884602 Mobile 07860747027
or e-mail:davidmatteybuyer @gmail.com
Few dealers can promise that the militaria they buy from you will go to a Museum or a worthy academic institution.
With ww2buyer.com customers can however rest assured that items they sell will not fall into the wrong hands.
We entirely distance ourselves from those members of our profession linked with far right wing , revisionist politics.
ww2buyer.com buy both axis and allied militaria.
David Mattey of WW2buyer.com knows that he is lucky enough to have turned his childhood passion for history into a professional internet treasure hunt.
The thrill of discovering original WW2 battlefield souvenirs is the motivating force of our business .
in many cases we have found items which have remained hidden from the collecting community for nearly eighty years.

antique militaria
If you have an old sword,medal,helmet or a complete collection we invite you to make contact and learn why we can commit more energy to providing the best outcome for all sellers of militaria.