Never Sell Militaria At Auction Again ! You Will Obtain A Guaranteed 25%-40% More by selling Directly To .
To Calculate the correct market value of Nazi Militaria.
Firstly look closely at what you have and establish what it is .
Search out other examples of the same item of Nazi militaria in comparable condition and learn the rage of prices being asked by dealers.
Subtract 40% and you will arrive at the correct market value of your Nazi militaria..
We will pay such a market value because we have customers waiting who trust our judgement and who will not require an investigation before they pay us.
We do not work of anywhere close to a 40% Profit but listed prices are often subject to 10% discount from regular collectors.
This brings the profit margin down to 30% which must be viewed in relation to time on the shelf rarely do goods sell for retail prices quickly everyone wants a bargain !