U.K. Militaria Sussexnazi binoculars

Our buying statement for 2018-19

WW2Buyer.com is paying $800 minimum for decaled (Badged)ww2 German helmets in complete original condition.

for examples with both eagle insignia and shield insignia.
WW2Buyer.com is dedicated to the buying of historic war souvenirs directly from veteran’s families.
Why not send in some pictures of what you have and obtain a professional opinion  free of charge?
An easy to fill out form is provided below.
Once you have established the value of what you have?
Contact U.K. Militaria Sussex and collect full payment in advance.
This offer applies to both the purchase of advanced collections and individual items.

Sellers in the U.S.A. Canada and Australia receive full

payment in advance before they are required to ship items.

We are looking to buy Museum grade Exhibits.
We pay a minimum of $1000 for grade A WW2 German

Combat helmets.

We are currently Paying $3000+ for examples from the SS.
$7000 is now paid for German Paratrooper


“Dear David,

Thank you for the payment. I am pleased that you liked the daggers. As for the trust, after our frequent emails I felt that you an honest man, and I see my opinion was well founded. Would you like to see photos of the swords and the Hitler Youth dagger?  Those and the other items I have mentioned before are still available. Sincerely, Jerry”




Third Reich memorabilia is banned from sale

on the major internet auction site Ebay.
WW2 Buyer.com never condones or promotes

the Nazis or any other hate groups!

U.K. Buyers of WW2 Helmets

We believe

that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era

is only valid within an educational context.
WW2 Buyer buys directly from Collectors, Veterans and their

families who will avoid giving auctioneers a slice of the pie.

Do you have a WW2 Helmet that you are wishing to sell?
WW2Buyer.com buy WW2 helmets from every nation. If you would like a free valuation to

find out what your helmet is  worth? We are happy to be of service.
Just fill out our  form  or send us an e-mail with a few photos of your WW2 Hemet to

davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com  we will tell you what the current value is and what a dealer a

collector or a long term investment group are willing to pay you. We buy from  hundreds of

dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .Because

 we buy for long term investment groups the purchase price is less critical for us. Before you accept

what you are told is a ” fair price” for your Military Helmet obtain a second opinion, Whether selling

one German Helmet or an entire collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, German helmets wanted.com

would like the opportunity to make you the most competitive obligation free offer!.
WW2 Buyer.com considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be offensive.
Payment Policy
Sellers who have a “Paypal” account receive immediate pre-payment

for the purchase of items. Additionally all shipping /postal costs are

paid by us.If you would prefer to speak to us directly rather than to

communicate via email we are quite happy to negotiate by telephone.

Our office is open 10am-5pm GMT every day.0044 (0)7860747027.

If you live within range please come and visit us.GHB.com’s services

are confidential.We are happy to make purchases regardless of distance

for entire collections or single pieces.

We offer a legal selling option for those of you living within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artifacts is forbidden.

The U.S.A provides us with 70%-80 % of our exhibits.

S & B Accounting Services
Solar House
New Street
West Sussex GU28 0AS

Send an e-mail to us today or telephone:

0044 (0) 7860-747027.

We welcome your calls!

The Trade In Nazi Artifacts .

The high values of Third Reich period “Miltaria” indicate that this market is strong.

Helmets frequently sell at four figure sums,as do U-Boat Binoculars.Daggers etc


As the generation of WW2 veterans passes both Axis and Allied Memorabilia are enjoying

a rise in values. Themed video games insure, Hollywood, The history channel and the ever expanding reenactment culture perpetuate interest in the subject.


The hanging of swastika flags in one provincial auction house in 2012 was ether, a

 failure of sensitivity on the part of the auctioneer or an ill judged strategy to attract free


Not surprisingly this and similar cases ferment debate over the morality the trade in

Militaria from mankinds dark past.
A debate which has permeated into the House of commons with some members of

parliament calling for a ban.

Newspaper coverage of these events and the decision to publish pictures of the

Swastikas enabled a far greater audience to be reminded and offended ?

A code of practice could  be introduced for Auctioneers and dealers in Third

Reich “Militaria”

Most enthusiasts would welcome a ban on reproduction flags,Mugs and fantasy badges,

Items aimed at the impressionable teenage market.

Distinctions should however be made between the items that are likely to upset,offend or to promote racism.

And innocent items of combat paraphernalia that serve to fascinate students of history.
Our site is dedicated to the buying of Militaria from the period 1914 – 1945. Our Historic Museum style store displays an impressive stock of veteran acquired souvenirs. We are amongst the most popular of permanent destinations for museum buyers and collectors. We are sole buyers and suppliers to one museum in Normandy France. It seems fitting for items to returnto the theater they were plucked from and put back on display. Other customers include the most advancedcollectors as well as  a couple of approved ethical, academic web sites.War trophies were returned from the western front by my Grandfather William(Bill)  fueled my interest.

Whilst combat paraphernalia is  unlikely to upset or offend.

We unreservedly distance ourselves from the unregulated sale of Nazi artifacts and edged weapons online.



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