Are You Selling A German Dagger ?
Major International Auction House
Valuations Paid Directly To You In Full.

Whilst Prices Have Steadied in some areas
both the 1933 and 1936 model SS daggers
are still enjoying buoyant prices.

Valuation of SS Daggers
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Meine ehre heibst true
The SS Dagger first came about in 1933 .

It differs only slightly from the S.A. Dagger both take their form from the seventeenth century “Holbein “Design. The colour of SA daggers is brown . All SS daggers are black with nickel or plated metal fittings .

The Grips can be found fashioned from Ebony as well as other woods which have been stained to achieve the same effect.

WW2 numbered ss dagger cross guard Nazi Himmler
The Motto running up the blade in Gothic script is “Meine ehre heibst true” this translate most closely to “My Honour Is Loyalty” Towards the top of the grip a silver and black enamel disk or button with the SS runes is inlaid into wood. Below the button is a detailed silver coloured eagle clutching a Swastika .