The U.K.’s Militaria Specialists
Once the information is received, we will evaluate and value the items you are interested in selling.
We may contact you for additional information during the evaluation of your sword bayonet and other militaria.
Following the evaluation,
we will be in touch to discuss the sale of your item/s or collection.
It is our focus to provide you with a competitive market researched offer when selling your military collectibles.
We have several options available to create a successful sales solution to best meet your specific situation and needs.
offer to buy outright/ purchase ..
We have negotiated a zero vendors commission rate for those with collections to be auctioned.
We sell on consignment, by private treaty sale and issue cash advances.
Selling your militaria is very easy, we will either schedule to come to you or in the case of a few pieces – you simply package and ship them
to our museum store by a traceable service, such as FedEx , UPS ,Parcel force
You are also always welcome to deliver your military items or collection directly to our Arundel museum store.
The acquisition of quality wartime collectibles is our main task we have thousands of collectors/investors waiting.
We welcome all inquiries and accommodate the sale of wartime items in all price ranges.
Let us help you. There is no cost in contacting
for an evaluation.
Submit your sale inquiry using the form below or email us directly at
We look forward to our dealings with you.
A. u. H. Bassat, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
August Bickel, Steinbach, “Alles fur Deutschland” hallenberg Valuation $500
Bismarck “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Eduard Becker, Kolumbuswerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
F.W. Beckmann G.M.B.H. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Carl Bender “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Edmund Bergfeld u. Sohn, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Gebr. Berns “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Hugo Berns, HUBEO, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Julius Bodenstein, Steinbach, Kr. M. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Böhmenachel “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Bönthgen u. Sabin, Fussball “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Johan Breidor, Breidora, les 3 Croix “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
F. von Brosy, Steinberg “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Otto Busch, Weltmeister “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Clarfeld & Co., Hemer in Westfalen “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Deppmeyer G.m.b.H., Besteckfabrik “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Paul F. Dick, Esslingen A.N. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Ernst Dirlam, Höffnungswerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
J. Dirlam u. Söhne “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Albert Dorschel “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Eickelberg u. mack “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Englert u. Solvie G.m.b.H. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
C.F. ErnFernando Esser u. Cie
C. Eppstein Söhne “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
A. Feist u. Cie, Lunawerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Josef Feist, OMEGA “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Flocke u. Cie “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Giesen u. Forsthoff “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Grah und Deppmeyer, GRADE “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Carl Grah, Stahlwaren, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Ernst Crah “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Gebr. Grah, Odysseus Werk AG “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Ludwig Groten, Lanze u. Fahne “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Carl Haas, Solingen-Wald “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Hackländer u. Bick, HABIWA “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
H. Hauptner, Berlin “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Herder u. Sohn, Diogenes, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Friedrich Herkenrath, Ben Hur, Merscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Emil Hermes, Merscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Robert Hoppe, Höhscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Jäger u. Co., Silberwarenfabrik, D. Kaiserswerth “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Johnswerk, Bayreuth “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
R.K. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $700
Emil Kaiser u. Co. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Kamphausen u. Plumacher, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Kastor u. Co., Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
F.A. Kirschbaum u. Co. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Heinrich Kaufmann u. Söhne, Indiawerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Abr. Knyn, Gräfrath “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Wilh. Kober u. Co., Suhl “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $500
Fr. v.d. Kohlen, Gräfrath “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
H. Kopling “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Wilh. Krieger “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Krumm “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Krusius, Gazelle “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Carl Fr. Kuhrt, Kommandit Gesellschaft, Zellas Mehlis “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
August “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
J. Langenberg u. Co., JULANCO “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Louper, Flamme, SS “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Peter Lungstrass, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
August Malscher Sohn, Steinbach “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Kr. M.Marx u. Cie, G.m.b.H. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Melzer u. Feller, Zella Mehlis “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Robert MiddeldorfG.m.b.H., ROMI “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Müller u. Schmidt, Pfeilringwerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Josef Münch, Brotterode “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Neidhardt u. Schmidt, Brotterode “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Fred Nuhaus “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Erich Neumeyer “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Noelle G.m.b.H. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
F.E.D. Ohliger “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
E.P.S. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $450
Hugo Pasch, Sonnal Stahlwarenfabrik “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Daniel Peres “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Wilhelm Pfeiffer u. Co. “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Pränafawerk G.m.b.H., Gräfrath “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
E. Reich, Schweina “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
J. Reuleaux “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Rhaastert u. Bull “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Romüso, Merscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
W.O. Rusche, Merscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
J.P. Sauer u. Sohn, Suhl “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $500
C. Schlieper “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Eugen Schmidt, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Hermann Schneider, auf der Rhone “Alles fur Deutschland” $600
Abr. Schnitter, Wasso “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Seibel, Hessische Metallwerke, Ziegenhain “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
W. Seibel, Mettmann “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Spateneder, München “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Julius Steinberger, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” $600
G. u. W. Stock, Gustoc “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Süd Messer Fabrik, Gefrees “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Tannenwerk “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Carl Tillmans Söhne, “Alles fur Deutschland” Lux Valuation $600
Undine “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Eduard Vitting “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Adolf Völker, Schalkalden “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Wagner u. lange “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Weck u. Stamm, Weyer “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Wilhelm Welterbach “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gebr. Weyersberg, Ohligs “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gottfr. Weyersberg Söhne “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
H. Wilke u. Co., Remscheid “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Arthur Wingen, Chromolit Besteckfabrik “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Gustav Wirth, Gräfrath “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Viele Grüße Frank “Alles fur Deutschland” Valuation $600
Experience having a real shop from £25 per
WW2 is the now part of The Militaria Market the principle trading venue.
Since becoming associated with The Militaria in Arundel we have noticed the benefits.
Representation in a high street militaria market provides assurance to investors and collectors .
We recommend that web site proprietors represent themselves at the Arundel warehouse from just £25 per month.
Simply by adding The Militaria Market address to an existing website traders will experience a new type of customer.
The Militaria

The Entrance to the U.K. largest Permanent Militaria market in Arundel .West Sussex
The function of the Proposed Militaria Dealers association is to inspire consumer
confidence. Confidence in a trade blighted by counterfeit or deviously adapted goods.
Verification of legitimate traders who have been granted permission to display
a membership badge could be obtained confidentially via email.
Traders wishing to display this badge would pass registration criteria and agree to abide by the basic principles of fare trading.
The Militaria H.Q.
(An example of how the badge should appear overlaid with the traders watermark.)
The prospect of conducting ones own medal research can be daunting.
At Medal we undertake the service of professional in depth medal research .
Armed with some basic information about the subject,
such as thier service number and unit.
(These are impressed into all WW1 medals and all general service Medals)
We can set about the task of researching
The results are frequently surprising and are always considered
Mark Hillier is the integral member of our team who undertakes and
provides this first rate service.
Mark is a four times published author of WW2 R.A.F. books and a now regular
contributor to the magazine “Britain at War”.
Mark’s expertise in this field is highly respected.
The sale of his books has raised funds for R.A.F. related charities .
Should you wish to learn more about medals in your possession please contact us.
Our research rates start at just £15 and rarely exceeds £60.
Applicants can learn which operations the unit of the recipient was engaged in ,the
circumstances of awards /dates of issue and much more.
Why Not Visit Us In Arundel?
The Militaria is a newly created destination for Militaria buyers.
Launched officially in November 2013 the Militaria Market provides a professionally managed selling venue for dealers and collectors alike.
Monthly rentals for a pitch or large freestanding cabinet are just £94.
The venue is a large nineteenth century warehouse in the center of Arundel in West Sussex.
The store is well established on the Militaria map and already welcomes around 30,000 visitors per year.
Legal Information Relating To Deactivated guns In The United Kingdom
Section 8 of the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 determines that a firearm shall be deemed to be deactivated when the necessary work is carried out in accordance with the standards set by the Secretary of State and the firearm is “Proof Marked” ( A cross stamped with the Last 2 digits of the year) and certified by one of the two UK Proof Houses (London or Birmingham). In these circumstances it ceases to be regarded as a firearm, unless the contrary is shown, and is no longer subject to certification. The definition of a ‘firearm’ is set out in section 57 of the Firearms Act 1968 (as amended) It also covers any component part of a lethal or prohibited weapon.
Firearms deactivated outside the UK do not conform to the UK standard of deactivation. The notice to importers No 2864 (point 34) issued by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills stipulates that an import licence is not required to import a firearm if it has been both stamped and has a certificate of deactivation issued by a UK Proof House. This is the only acceptable proof of deactivation. Any marks made by other authorities or documentation supplied by them cannot be taken as evidence that a firearm has been rendered incapable of discharging any shot, bullet or other missile, and has consequently ceased to be a firearm within the meaning of the UK Firearms Acts.
There can be no guarantee in these circumstances that a person selling or possessing such a gun without the necessary certificate or section 5 authorisation would not be prosecuted. Furthermore, unless he complies with the evidential provisions of Section 8 of the 1988 Act, a seller leaves himself potentially exposed to subsequent action for supplying it illegally should a court at some later stage pronounce that it considers the item to be a firearm or a component thereof.
Self-produced certificates are not acceptable as proof of deactivation in the UK. Such certificates may soon be banned throughout Europe if changes being proposed under the EU Weapons Directive are accepted.

German Dagger Dealers U.K.
Ebay one of the major online auction sites has forbidden the listing of weapons and all Nazi artefacts!
We are the nations largerst perminant traditional retailer of German Badges and militaria .
Our store is open seven days and is in it’s self a museum attracting
thousands of international visitors annually.
We will of course pay more than other dealers for all exhibits suited to our perminant displays .
Please contact if you have any questions regarding the
identification and valuation of militaria from any period or conflict. How do we work?
Have you have already established the market vakue of your collection or single item?.
If this is the case please send some images via email to
and include your established asking price. If the price is not unreasonable it will be payed
immediately using “Paypal”we are not in the buisiness of squabbling and pay the sellers
requested price in almost every instance.
If you are not familiar with the prices of your German badges or other militaria
please send some images and request a “Free Valuation”.
We pay more than others for good reason .Our primary interest is in building a display to draw in customers
the likelyhood is that such customers will buy from our gift ware range such as model tanks etc.

Our pledge is this! ..
For a collection of interest comprising of greater than 10 items we will better any other verified offer by up to 25%
On larger collections we are able to move fast and frequently offer 40% more than web only based specialists.
Nobody could be better placed to buy mixed collections in one hit than ourselves.
Our working relationship with specialists in diverse niche areas such as German Binoculars,belt buckles,
or The Iron Cross,
enables us to pay that little bit extra every time.
We dont have a day job! We are dedicated profesionals operating from a prime high street position beside an English castle.

Don’t sell to people who already sell to us .
By selling directly to German Badges wanted you get the whole pie !

Deactivated 303 ww2 price

dealers in WW1