Buyers of German Daggers For Vetted Academic Customers.
Welcome to
David Mattey of
is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria.
David who has worked from his high street premises for the last twenty years acts as buyer to city investment groups ,Advanced collectors and the premier specialist websites.
David believes that investors are happy to pay a premium for expertise, research and unconditionally guaranteed exhibits. are engaged in the purchase of Allied And Axis Uniforms ,Daggers,Medals, Awards, Orders, Decorations and associated “Militaria.
If you believe you have already obtained a fair offer David welcomes the opportunity of offering a confidential second opinion.
Call or e-mail today for free advice and valuations. please feel free to use the contact form provided.
Our offers and valuations both free of charge and confidential.
If you have by your own research, established an asking price or obtained bids from other parties.
Please include offers in your communications. are not in the business of haggling if we can see modest margin we will advance payment today.
Before consigning militaria for sale by auction please be aware that 35%-44% of the total paid by the buyer will be lost to the auctioneer. If you have obtained suggested reserve figures from auctioneers
WW2Buyer.comwill pay 100% of these immediately.
Contact: David Mattey
Tel: 01903-884602 Mobile 07860747027
or e-mail:davidmatteybuyer
Daggers Wanted By Carl Eickhorn
Daggers Wanted By Carl Heidelberg
Daggers Wanted By J.A. Henkels
Daggers Wanted By Paul Weyersberg
(( NSFK……NS-Fliegerkorps ))
Daggers Wanted By Carl Eickhorn

German Helmet prices
Daggers Wanted By F.A. Helbig
Daggers Wanted By Carl Julius Krebs
Daggers Wanted By Gebr. Heller.
Daggers Wanted By David Malsch
Daggers Wanted By
Carl Julius Krebs
Daggers Wanted By SMF
Daggers Wanted By Paul Weyersberg
Daggers Wanted With Plane Blades”
1st Model Luftwaffe Daggers Wanted By

Carl Eickhorn
F.A. Helbig
Gebr. Heller
F.W. Holler
E.F. Horster
A. Herder
Robert Klaas
H. Kolping
Albert Kuhl..”Munster” ( Distributor only )
Carl Julius Krebs
P.D. Luneschloss
David Malsch
EP&S- Ernst Pack & Sohn
Plumacher Rich & Sohn
Emil Voos
Gustav Weyersberg
Max Weyersberg ” WMW”
Carl Wustoff
(( 2nd Model 1937 Luftwaffe ))
Rudolf Burchel
Clemen & Jung
Alexander Coppel..”Alcoso’
Carl Eickhorn
Esser & Co. Koln – Distributor
Arthur Evertz
Fridericus … aka Wester & Dinger
Josef Hack ” Hackwerk”
Hast & Uhthoff – Dresden
Gebr Heller – ” Balloonman “
Gebr. heller – Schmalkalden ” Anchor logo “
J.A. Henckels
Friedrich Herder
Richard Herder
F.W. Holler
E & F Horster
Robert Klaas
Klittermann & Moog
H. Kolping
Carl Julius Krebs
P.D. Luneschloss
August Merten
EP&S ” Ernst Pack and Sohn”
Plumacher & Sohn
Pumawerke Lauterjung & Sohn
Arthur Schuttlehoffer
Paul Seilheimer
SMF..” Solingen Metallwaffenfabrik”
Gustav Spitzer
Undine – ( Kuno Ritter )
Emil Voos
Anton Wingen
WKC..”Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie”
Gustav Weyersburg
Max Weyersberg
Paul Weyersberg
Carl Wustoff
Zeitler – ” Wein “
” Unmarked Blade “
(( Gravity Knives ))
F.H. Helbig
Malsch & Ambon
Paul Seilheimer
Paul Weyersberg