German Sword Buyer

The Motto of The S.A. Found on Blades
Major International Auction House
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WW2 buys historic collections and individual war souvenirs.
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Edged weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction site Ebay.
We buy for responsible academic collectors, museums and historians. Those with an interest in preserving artefacts that help chronicle military history. buy directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the Alles fur Deutchland pie. considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
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hases regardless of distance. We offer a legal selling option for those of you living within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artifacts is forbidden.
Most of our stock is obtained from the families of veterans in The U.S.A. and the U.K. occupies the first floor of:
The Arundel Antiques Market Ltd.
18 High Street
West Sussex
BN18 9AB
Send an e-mail to us today or telephone
0044 (0) 1903-884602)
The German National Railway Network [Deutsche Reichsbahn] Daggers required
German government established the Bahnschutz(railroad protection service)in 1933. The role of the Reichsbahn was to protect the railway network in times of war or disorder. members were armed with rifles and machine guns and charged with maintaining law and order on railway property and the prevention of theft and sabotage. In 1937, Hitler brought the German Railway System under complete national control. In addition to the regular units, there alo existed a similiar but distinctive unit identified as the Reichsbahn Wasserschutz Polizei (Railway Water Protection Police). The mission of the latter unit was security of the railway system at harbors and canals.
The Institution of a Government Official dagger.
The Government Official dagger came into being in March 1939. The principle manufacturers being Carl Eickhorn and Alcosso. It was carried by officer level civil servants who were attached to Ministries and ranking staff of the foreign office.
The dagger is almost identical in appearance to the Diplomatic dagger with only one exception. The beak of the eagle faces to the viewers left, whilst on the Diplomatic daggers the eagle’s beak points to the right.
The bold hanging straps are of grey – blue brocade having velvet backing aluminium facings and grey – blue edge strips. The buckles are rectangular having oak leaf decoration.
Officially a small sized silver knot is hung tied from the feral above the cross guard .Standard Army knots are however frequently encountered.
By 1942 production had ended .
Edited By David Mattey