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Do you have WW2 Dagger that you are wishing to sell?
WW2 Buyer.com buy WW2 daggers from every country.
If you require a free valuation to find out what your dagger is worth? We are only to happy to be of service. Just send us an e-mail with a few photos of your dagger and we will tell you what the current value ,That is what a dealer, a collector or a long term investment group would be willing to pay for . We buy from literally hundreds of dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .We buy for long term investment groups therefor the purchase price is less critical . Before you accept what you are told is a “ fair price” for your dagger collection obtain a second opinion, Whether selling one WW2 dagger or a mixed collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, WW2Buyer.com would like to be given the opportunity of making you the most competative offer.

The Puma Trade Mark
seen here an army dagger.
WW2Buyer.com considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
Sellers receive immediate pre payment for all items. We pay any duty on goods arriving from overseas and pay all postal costs.
By choosing to sell directly to specialist retailers sellers avoid the risks associated with posting personal details over the internet.
We are always happy to negotiate by telephone. We invite you to call us directly.
Our office is open 11am-5pm GMT every day.
If you live within range please come and visit us.
Our services are confidential.
Most of our exhibits are purchased from the families of WW2 Veterans In from the United States of America we make purchases regardless of distance.
We offer a totally legal selling option for those of you living in Germany and other within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artefacts is forbidden.
We Pre-Pay For all Purchases
WW2Buyer.com occupies the first floor of:
The Arundel Antiques Market Ltd.
18 High Street
West Sussex
BN18 9AB
Send an e-mail to us today or telephone
0044 (0) 1903-884602
Mr David Mattey (buyer)
Background information
on the German Army (Heer) Dagger
(Written by David Mattey)
The German army dagger came into being in 1935. It was an element of dress that enabled rank to be identified and was less cumbersome to wear than swords which became confined to wear on state occasions or on the parade ground. The design, as with many daggers of the period was by Paul Casburg .
Army Dagger Grips
The grip took a tubular form having consentric spiral grooves lacking the adornment of grip wire to be seen on other models. The early grips were molded in solid polymer compounds in various colours. Ivory grips were avaliable at extra cost. By 1939 production tecniques changed .Grips were cast in plaster over a wood former then dipped in “Trollon” to achieve a
White plastic coated finnish
Army Dagger Cross Guard & Pommel
Initially crossguards were cast from brass, skilfilly chisled, silver plated ,toned,polished then lacquered. Over time these later gave way to cheaply produced castings culminating in the use of a dull grey zinc.
The obverse cross guard design depicted an eagle with outstreached wings holding a swastica within a wreath.The pommel which also acted as the sucuring nut tapererd from the top downward decorated all the way around with upstanding oak leaves rising from the grip to the pommel top.
Army Dagger Blades
The Army dagger blades were generally plain in design and around 26 cm in length. Some manufacturers plated blades however they are more frequently encountered with a horisontal “Cross Grain” Finnish. Etched presentation blades as well as Damascus steel examples are not unknown however such exotica should be veiwed with caution by todays collectors.
Army Dagger Scabbards
The first 1935 Army dagger’s had heavy silver plating applied to the”pebble” decorated brass scabbard shells .From 1936 scabbards were produced in steel some with a nickle finish and late issues with the gray oxide finish.Fitted to the scabbard were two hanger suspension rings with oak leaf patterns onto which the hanging straps was clipped.
Hanging Straps & Knot
Army Daggers were worn suspended on two hanger straps, united by a belt clip at the top. The silver braid faced straps were backed with field grey velvet . Oval buckles with oak leaf patterns and matching silvered slides.
A Silver 42-43 cm Knot or Portapee was worn tied around the dagger grip .
Army dagger production had ceased by mid 1943.

We buy from literally hundreds of dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .We buy for long term investment groups therefor the purchase price is less critical . Before you accept what you are told is a ” fair price” for your dagger collection obtain a second opinion, Whether selling one WW2 dagger or a mixed collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, WW2Buyer.com would like to be given the opportunity of making you the most competative offer.

The Puma Trade Mark
seen here an army dagger.
WW2Buyer.com considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
Sellers receive immediate pre payment for all items. We pay any duty on goods arriving from overseas and pay all postal costs.
By choosing to sell directly to specialist retailers sellers avoid the risks associated with posting personal details over the internet.
We are always happy to negotiate by telephone. We invite you to call us directly.
Our office is open 11am-5pm GMT every day.
If you live within range please come and visit us.
Our services are confidential.
Most of our exhibits are purchased from the families of WW2 Veterans In from the United States of America we make purchases regardless of distance.
We offer a totally legal selling option for those of you living in Germany and other within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artefacts is forbidden.

We Pre-Pay For all Purchases
WW2Buyer.com occupies the first floor of:
The Arundel Antiques Market Ltd.
18 High Street
West Sussex
BN18 9AB
Send an e-mail to us today or telephone
0044 (0) 1903-884602
Mr David Mattey (buyer)