davidmatteybuyer ← join these together to make our email address → @gmail.com
Welcome to WW2 Buyer .
British Home front items are now attracting great interest with collectors .Such gems as Warden’s Helmets and A.R.P.Bells are in demand.
Would you like to obtain a free offer/valuation without feeling obliged to sell? If so we are at your service. Send us in an e-mail containing photos of your WW2 items. We will provide you with up to date valuations. We know what dealers,collectors,and long term investment groups would are willing to pay.
We buy from Veteran’s families, collectors and dealers worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .We are high end store based retailers buying for a long term investment group and for some of the the most advanced collectors .The purchase price is a less critical factor for us we simply require Genuine items .
Before you accept what you are told is a ” fair price” for your Militaria obtain a second opinion. Whether selling one Wardens rattle or an entire collection of Blitz related artefacts WW2Buyer.com would like the opportunity to make you a superior offer.

Edmund Miller
Our Payment Policy is straightforward: You receive immediate payment for your items in full. We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside Overseas and pay all postal costs.
By dealing with dedicated professionals you will avoid the risks associated with posting your personal details over the internet.We operate a zero spam policy.
If you would prefer to speak to us directly rather than to communicate via email we are quite happy to negotiate by telephone.
Our office is open 11am-5pm GMT every day. If you live within range please come and visit us.
Our services are confidential. We are happy to make purchases regardless of distance.
We offer a legal selling option for those of you living within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artifacts is forbidden.
The Trade In Nazi Artifacts .
The high values of Third Reich period “Miltaria” indicate that this market is strong.
Helmets frequently sell at four figure sums,as do U-Boat Binoculars.Daggers etc
As the generation of WW2 veterans passes both Axis and Allied Memorabilia are enjoying
a rise in values. Themed video games , Hollywood, The history channel, and the ever expanding re-enactment culture perpetuate interest in the subject.
The hanging of swastika flags in one provincial auction house in 2012 was ether, a
failure of sensitivity on the part of the auctioneer or an ill judged strategy to attract free
Not surprisingly this and similar cases ferment debate over the morality the trade in
Militaria from mankinds dark past.
A debate which has permeated into the House of commons with some members of
parliament calling for a ban.
Newspaper coverage of these events and the decision to publish pictures of the
Swastikas enabled a far greater audience to be reminded and offended ?
A code of practice could be introduced for Auctioneers and dealers in Third
Reich “Militaria”
Most enthusiasts would welcome a ban on reproduction flags,Mugs and fantasy badges,
Items aimed at the impressionable teenage market.
Distinctions should however be made between the items that are likely to upset,offend or to promote racism.
And innocent items of combat paraphernalia that serve to fascinate students of history.
Our site is dedicated to the buying of Militaria from the period 1914 – 1945. Our Historic Museum style store displays an impressive stock of veteran acquired souvenirs. We are amongst the most popular of permanent destinations for museum buyers and collectors. We are sole buyers and suppliers to one museum in Normandy France. It seems fitting for items to returnto the theater they were plucked from and put back on display. Other customers include the most advancedcollectors as well as a couple of approved ethical, academic web sites.War trophies were returned from the western front by my Grandfather William(Bill) Mattey.These together with the full disability Pension earned by my father at Falaise in 1944 have fueled my interest.Whilst combat paraphernalia is unlikely to upset or offend. We unreservedly distance ourselves from the unregulated sale of Nazi artifacts amd edged weapons online.
David Mattey (Buyer)
“HACO Berlin”

“Hugo Lindner Deltawerk”-
“Wagner und Lange”-
” C.G.Haenel Suhl”-
Aesculap, Tuttlingen-
Peter Altenbach u. Söhne, Schwanenwerk, Ohlings-
Argenta G.M.B.H.-
Axt u. Hauerfabrik-
Walter Bahrl, Höhscheid-
Fritz Barthelmess, Bavaria, Muggendorf-
A. u. H. Bassat, Ohligs-
August Bickel, Steinbach, hallenberg-
Eduard Becker, Kolumbuswerk-
F.W. Beckmann G.M.B.H.-
Carl Bender-
Edmund Bergfeld u. Sohn, Ohligs-
Gebr. Berns-
Hugo Berns, HUBEO, Ohligs-
Julius Bodenstein, Steinbach,-
Kr. M.
Gebr. Böhmenachel
Bönthgen u. Sabin, Fussball
Johan Breidor, Breidora, les 3 Croix
F. von Brosy, Steinberg
Otto Busch, Weltmeister
Clarfeld & Co., Hemer in Westfalen
Deppmeyer G.m.b.H., Besteckfabrik

Paul F. Dick, Esslingen A.N.
Ernst Dirlam, Höffnungswerk
J. Dirlam u. Söhne
Albert Dorschel
Eickelberg u. mack
Englert u. Solvie G.m.b.H.
C.F. Ern
Fernando Esser u. Cie
C. Eppstein Söhne
A. Feist u. Cie, Lunawerk
Josef Feist, OMEGA
Flocke u. Cie
Giesen u. Forsthoff
Grah und Deppmeyer, GRADE
Carl Grah, Stahlwaren, Ohligs
Ernst Crah-
Gebr. Grah, Odysseus Werk AG-
Ludwig Groten, Lanze u. Fahne-
Carl Haas, Solingen-Wald-
Hackländer u. Bick, HABIWA-
H. Hauptner, Berlin-
Herder u. Sohn, Diogenes, Ohligs-
Friedrich Herkenrath, Ben Hur, Merscheid-
Emil Hermes, Merscheid-
Robert Hoppe, Höhscheid-
Jäger u. Co., Silberwarenfabrik, D. Kaiserswerth-
Johnswerk, Bayreuth-
Emil Kaiser u. Co.-
Kamphausen u. Plumacher, Ohligs-
Kastor u. Co., Ohligs
F.A. Kirschbaum u. Co.-
Heinrich Kaufmann u. Söhne, Indiawerk-
Abr. Knyn, Gräfrath-
Wilh. Kober u. Co., Suhl-
Fr. v.d. Kohlen, Gräfrath-
H. Kopling
Wilh. Krieger-
Gebr. Krumm
Gebr. Krusius, Gazelle-
Carl Fr. Kuhrt, Kommandit Gesellschaft, Zellas Mehlis-
August Kullenberg-
J. Langenberg u. Co., JULANCO
Louper, Flamme, SS-
Peter Lungstrass, Ohligs-
August Malscher Sohn, Steinbach-
Kr. M.Marx u. Cie, G.m.b.H.-
Melzer u. Feller, Zella Mehlis

Robert MiddeldorfG.m.b.H., ROMI-
Müller u. Schmidt, Pfeilringwerk-
Josef Münch, Brotterode-
Neidhardt u. Schmidt, Brotterode
Fred Nuhaus-
Erich Neumeyer
Gebr. Noelle G.m.b.H.-
F.E.D. Ohliger-
Hugo Pasch, Sonnal Stahlwarenfabrik-
Daniel Peres
Wilhelm Pfeiffer u. Co.-
Pränafawerk G.m.b.H., Gräfrath
E. Reich, Schweina-
J. Reuleaux
Rhaastert u. Bull

Romüso, Merscheid-
W.O. Rusche, Merscheid-
J.P. Sauer u. Sohn, Suhl-
C. Schlieper-
Eugen Schmidt, Ohligs-
Hermann Schneider, auf der Rhone-
Abr. Schnitter, Wasso-
Gebr. Seibel, Hessische Metallwerke, Ziegenhain-
W. Seibel, Mettmann-
Spateneder, München
Julius Steinberger, Ohligs-
G. u. W. Stock, Gustoc-
Süd Messer Fabrik, Gefrees-
Carl Tillmans Söhne, Lux
Eduard Vitting
Adolf Völker, Schalkalden
Wagner u. lange-
Weck u. Stamm, Weyer
Wilhelm Welterbach-
Gebr. Weyersberg, Ohligs

We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this darkest era can only be justified within an educational framework.
You can now sell directly to us the retailers .
By selling directly to High end retailers you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie .
Why let your artifacts pass through several dealers hands when you can sell to us directly ?

We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this darkest era can only be justified within an educational framework.
You can now sell directly to us the retailers .
By selling directly to High end retailers you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie .
Why let your artifacts pass through several dealers hands when you can sell to us directly ?