War Relics Purchased

War Relics Purchased .                                                                                                    We Pay By “Paypal” Or C.O.D. Our Offers/Valuations Are Given At No Cost. We Cover Shipping And Provide Advice On Every Stage...

The Nazi Dagger The Nazi Dagger was a popular souvenir for many veterans returning from the war in Europe. For the officers who wore them, they were a symbol of rank and power. WWII German Daggers were not issued as weapons with only the RAD hewer being anything close to a work tool. One of the more common examples is the Army Officers Dagger; (aka Heer Dagger),as is the Luftwaffe officers Dagger (aka Air Force Dagger), The Navy officers dagger (aka Kriegsmarine Dagger), and the Hitler Youth Knife (aka HJ Dagger). There is also the highly sought after SS Dagger These daggers can be identified by the prominent deep black handle and sheath, with a round “SS” button at the top of the handle, just beneath the top cross guard. SS Daggers must be carefully scrutinized due to the extremely high number of very detailed reproductions dating back decades! To compound this problem of fakes genuine Solingen made parts are combined with high quality reproduction parts to further confuse the issue. novice collectors will unknowingly purchase an SS Dagger, only to discover later they purchased a very well made fake!

  The Nazi Dagger was a popular souvenir for many veterans  returning from the war in Europe. For the officers who wore them, they were a symbol of  rank and power. WWII German Daggers were not issued as weapons with only the RAD hewer being anything close to a work...

How To Sell Nazi Items On Ebay?

Firstly EBAY Have Banned The Listing Of Nazi Items With A Few Exceptions Such As Coins.     Two Factors To Consider In Answer To The Question.     “How Do I Sell Nazi Items”? A) Who Is Going To Pay You The Correct And Highest Price ?.  ...

War Antiques

WAR ANTIQUES The obsession with the second world war continues whilst the last of the surviving combatants pass away. Pilots log book The shear enormity of the conflict combined with our parent’s and grandparent’s anecdotes fuel our fascination. Japanese...

SELL MILITARIA DIRECTLY TO COLLECTORS ? WW2 Buyer .com and Germandaggerbuyers.com were among the original internet militaria buying websites. Recently it was bought to our attention from by an American WW2 Veteran,s family that they had approached a number of sites and were comforted to know that their family’s souvenirs been sold directly to a collector ,one who had no intention of selling them on? This puzzled me in view of the fact that from my own experience getting a highly ranked website costs considerable time and money. Further questioning of the Vets family was revealing they described a group of items and photographs obtained during their late fathers time in Europe .I inquired just how much cash they had received,their answer was sickening. They had been duped!. Mindful that I was potentially loosing customers I set about contacting those websites were the buyer claimed to be a collector. Predictably all those highly ranked buying sites turned out to be commercially driven . these collector buyers all were eager to tell me what they had purchased and what prices they were prepared to sell it to me for. I cannot say with any degree of certainty that some of these fellows? did not have a private collection back home. My point is this . If a dealer attempts to win the sympathy of a Veteran’s family with a lie he is engaging in criminal deception. Denying a veteran’s family or any other citizen the opportunity of getting a fare market value by such deception is wrong!. NEVER SELL TO A MILITARIA COLLECTOR ON LINE UNLESS HE OR SHE REALLY IS A MILITARIA COLLECTOR. ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION THEN ANOTHER FOR GOOD MEASURE .MILITARIA ROUTINELY SELLS FOR $000000′ DON’T LET YOURSELF OR YOUR FAMILY GET ANYTHING LESS THAN WHAT IS DESERVED!

   WW2 Buyer .com and Germandaggerbuyers.com were among the original internet militaria buying websites. Recently it was bought to our attention from by an American WW2 Veteran’s family that they had approached a number of sites and were comforted to know that...
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