1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Aircrew Europe star, arctic medal, arctic star, Battle of Britain, battle of britain clasp, british army medals, british empire medal, canada medal, CAP BADGES, Caterpillar club badge, china war medal, CLASPS, Collar Badges, Commonwealth...


Germany, Legion Condor, Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, WW II general decorations, Decorations of the Wehrmacht Army, Decorations of the Kriegsmarine, Decorations of the Luftwaffe, Foreign volunteers of the Wehrmacht, German States pre- 1933: Orders and decorations,...
20% more paid for your militaria collection

20% more paid for your militaria collection

Unlike many of the online only militaria businesses we are totally independent .. Only by remaining at a distance from on line sellers can we honour our policy of providing 20% above any independent offer .. We are not simply buying to sell at today’s retail...
How Can I Get A Fair Price For My Medal Collection ?

How Can I Get A Fair Price For My Medal Collection ?

How Can I Get A Fair Price For My Medal Collection ? As medal collectors reach a certain time in their lives the question of disposing of their treasures must be considered . Leaving the task of obtaining the correct prices to relatives, or the potentially disastrous...
Militaria Collectors Mindset

Militaria Collectors Mindset

Militaria Dealer What kickstarts the long term militaria collector ? Genuine relics of war have a kind of energy which connects the collector with the conflict that interests them. Replicas cannot fulfil the demands of collectors because they lack any historical...
The State Of Militaria Dealing in 2020

The State Of Militaria Dealing in 2020

Many dealers in all aspects of militaria started off as collectors . Militaria Dealers! As the boyhood hobby grows and the collector acquires knowledge he is likely to consider becoming a dealer in Militaria at some level . As the internet expands hundreds of new...
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