WW2 Buyer is a well established website who’s ethos is straightforward .

At WW2 buyer we understand the power of objects plucked from the battlefields of Europe and those of the Far east , trophies bought home by returning servicemen and women.. The structure and workmanship of most things military can and has been replicated to produce both fake artefacts and display items .. David Mattey’s life work has been the search ,acquisition and marketing of original military museum exhibits ..

As the last remaining WW2 veterans pass away David finds himself more frequently dealing with the grandchildren of that greatest generation.. Knowing the circumstances of how items were “liberated” greatly increases their interest . David is always happy to provide insightful valuations, especially on groupings of items factoring in the additional value that provenance adds. WW2 buyer specialises in providing Museums ,Investment groups and advanced collectors will Vetted Historic exhibits .. We are happy to pay your researched price for all Medals, Daggers ,Headdress , Uniforms ,and badges . WW2 Buyer operates from a busy high street store.